This afternoon, 26 January 2010, I encountered some problems with the Sec 1 during the RSP(Regional Studies Programme) orientation.
I was in charge of the of the five stones which is categorized under traditional games, below this post I would show you how the five stones and other traditional games look like. All was set and prepared for the Sec 1 to show up at our stations. But there is one thing I do not understand. Where are the clues as they are playing treasure hunt in the midst of visiting the stations???
Just as I knew it, the clues were not fully prepared. And when the Sec 1 came and done their activities, they came pleading for the clues of which we don't have at all!!! Then, they jeer at us for not being organised enough and I couldn't agree more. We only had 1 day to prepare the whole orientation. We were like all dumbstruck, as we didn't know what we should do.
Just as all hopes were lost(a bit sarcastic), I volunteered to find the clue maker, Hudson(I think is him). I ran all around the school and finally found him on the sky bridge. I panted and gasped for air. Slowly, I told him that we need the clues and I took our clues. Again, I had to dashed down to the parade square as thats where the activities were held(Im half-dead by now...). I gave the Sec 1 the clues, of which they had annoyed faces. I knew we were gonna get scolding from the teachers after this.
But fortunately, they forgave us and also said that we can do better next time. They also admitted that they were in wrong for not giving more time to prepare for this orientation. On the whole, I think we did okay for this orientation.
Here are the pictures I said I would show you:

The photo on the right is the gasing and is used like the modern top. For the photo on the left, its called the chapteh. Its shaped like a shuttlecock but you should juggle it using your feet.

The photo on the left is called the sepak takraw where is something like volleyball just that you use your feet and no hands involved. Then, the photo on the right is what I'm in charge, five stones! There are lots of stages of which is hard to explain in words. So simply its just throwing one stone up and picking up another stone with the same hand and try to catch the stone that you just threw. The trick to this is that is best you throw your stone not to high so its faster and more efficient.
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