You asked what I enjoyed doing alone, lots of my family members would be able to answer that. But they always do not encourage me to do that as they said the radiation will cause harm to my body and so on and so forth(also known as blah-blah-blah). Anybody guessed it? YES! Its exploring my computer or the internet.
I explore my computer only when it is brand new. I wanted to know what functions they have and what components did they add in. I do this scan for about a week before I familiarize myself to the new com(computer).
Next, some will be wondering what I explore on the net or what is there to explore on the net. Actually, the net is very vast and acts like a library as you can find nearly all your answers in side it. But let me tell or confirm with you something, I don't go to the net to watch something illegal okay(For some psychos who always think sick). I usually visit wikipedia though I heard lots of people said that it is edited. For the sake of being on the safe side, I doubled my effort and reconfirmed the facts on other internet websites.
I also use the net for dictionary use like is a good website that I frequently visit. Its free and has pronunciation for those who do not know how to pronounce the word properly. Like the word rebel, it has two pronunciation as it depends on where you use it.
In the midst of using the net, I always save one tab for a facebook application. For some, I think they knew it already. But for the benefit of the others, the name of the app(application) is MouseHunt(aka mh). Its a game of catching mice but to some this game may be boring. But under great pressure and competition, this game will become addictive. Have no fear, this game only needs you to sound the horn every 15 minutes. Actually, I thought this game was boring but seeing so many of my classmates playing, I decided to join the fun. Who knows, I became Legendary already! Woohoo! Legendary is the 6th rank in the game, followed by Hero. At the end of this post, I will show you some pictures of the game.
Lastly, I want to know why parents disallow their children of using the internet. I thought the internet will increase the exposure of their children. Nvm(never mind), time to end this. Good-bye! :)
Here are the pictures of the facebook application, MOUSEHUNT!!!! Hope you love it!

The picture above are the masters of each power type. From the left to the right, the master of tactical, shadow, hydro, forgotten, arcane, draconic. Thks and I hope more people will play this game(Im advertising MouseHunt aren't I).Lolzz.
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